Monday 6 November 2023

EL PAÍS in English

Dear readers,

As the offensive against Hamas in Gaza continues the civilian population is suffering under aerial bombardment while the Israeli army prepares for a sustained ground assault. Over 9,000 Palestinians have been killed since the government of Benjamin Netanyahu launched retaliatory attacks for the October 7 Hamas incursion into Israel, during which 1,400 Israelis lost their lives. EL PAÍS reporters in the area have been gathering harrowing testimony from residents of the Strip, where basic necessities are lacking, hospitals are struggling to operate and communications have been severed. 

An El PAÍS investigative team this week also tracked down far-right gunman José Ignacio Fernández, who admits to pulling the trigger that killed student Arturo Ruiz at a demonstration in 1977 during the Spanish Transition. Now 76, Fernández has been a fugitive in Argentina since fleeing Spain, living under a false identity that he says was provided by the secret services. “Regret? You’re talking to a person who has never regretted anything,” (...).

We also spoke to record-breaking Puerto Rican music phenomenon Myke Towers. (...) I don’t like my family to call me Myke. Myke Towers is my superhero uniform. For the street, to go outside. At home I am Michael, and outside I wear my uniform.”

We hope you enjoy this selection of stories from EL PAÍS USA Edition.

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