Saturday, 29 April 2017
Friday, 28 April 2017
Really GOOD!!!
Improve your formal writing and speaking: "Good" is OK for beginners... but you are a C1 student: Do use the adjectives below (all meaning good)
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Curso de inmersión lingüística en lengua extranjera para la obtención del certificado C1
Al igual que en los últimos dos cursos pasados desde el
Servicio de Innovación y Formación del Profesorado a través del Centro de
Profesores y Recursos Región de Murcia se viene organizando un curso de
inmersión lingüística en el extranjero dentro del programa “+Idiomas” que la
Consejería de Educación ha puesto en marcha con la finalidad de que todos los
centros educativos sean bilingües en el año 2019. Este curso conlleva una
inmersión durante 4 semanas (mes de julio) en un país extranjero. La actividad
formativa está financiada con Fondos Europeos. Adjunto la convocatoria del
curso para la acreditación del nivel C1 del MCERL . Por lo que os pedimos se
difunda esta convocatoria entre el alumnado que actualmente está cursando el
curso de especialización en C1 por si están interesados en inscribirse. Adjunto el enlace a la web del CPR para ampliar información.
Article Writing Task
Write a 350-word article about one of the following topics (if you run short of ideas) from
1) A local councillor has made a terrible mistake that has caused the loss of 700 million euros of public money. However, no one thinks he should resign. You have decided to write an article for your local magazine stating your opinion. Include the following points:
· Current state of affairs.
· Liability.
· Accountability.
· Consequences.
2) The government wants to keep primary schools open all year round so working parents can combine childcare and work. You have decided to write an article for the parents’ association magazine stating your opinion. Include the following points:
· Cost.
· Effectiveness.
· Impact on adults.
· Impact on children.
· Current state of affairs.
· Liability.
· Accountability.
· Consequences.
2) The government wants to keep primary schools open all year round so working parents can combine childcare and work. You have decided to write an article for the parents’ association magazine stating your opinion. Include the following points:
· Cost.
· Effectiveness.
· Impact on adults.
· Impact on children.
3) An English language magazine to which you are subscribed is appealing for short articles for a series called Me and My Mates. Write an article to the magazine including the following:· The values you and your friends share.
· The things you like to do together.
· How you think your generation differs from others.
Deadline 3rd May
NOTE: If you write an article different from the suggested ones, do write the title and type of paper / magazine / website it will be published
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Buzz or Bull? The Top 21 Buzzwords of 2015 & 2016
Buzz or Bull? The Top 21 Buzzwords of 2015 & 2016: After scouring the web I have found the top marketing buzzwords for 2015/2016. Check them out and let me know if I have missed any.
Monday, 24 April 2017
State of democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: Populism - How strong are Europe's checks and balances?
Increasing numbers of Europeans faced with austerity, unemployment and inequality are seeing
globalisation as a threat and are tempted by
populist parties. To address this trend, it is vital that social rights such as
employment, health and education be respected within inclusive societies.
Citizens must also be fully confident about their national and European
institutions. They require independent and impartial justice, effective
parliaments and pluralistic media.
The new report by the Secretary General of the Council of
Europe State
of democracy, Human Rights and the Rule of Law: Populism - How strong are
Europe's checks and balances? assesses the functioning of institutions and
of societies across the 47 countries of the Organisation in the current
political and social context. The report also explains how responsible
political players can work together to challenge populism and to foster safe
and stable states.
EOI CT Quality Survey
From today you can fill in a survey about our school and the classes you are given. Do this survey, please; we want to improve. Speak freely, it is anonymous that answers, not you! ;-)
Friday, 21 April 2017
Thursday, 20 April 2017
Passive Verbs (Activities)
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Discourse Markers and Filler Words
Read this article... and remember, the more filler words you use in your speech, the more English you will sound.
Monday, 17 April 2017
Sunday, 16 April 2017
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Just in case you feel like writing these holidays and you don't know what about. Here is a list of possible topics for writing.
Monday, 10 April 2017
Friday, 7 April 2017
Interview: Gabby Salazar on Inspiring Environmental Responsibility in the Young Learner Classroom through Photography
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Cartagena Holy Week '17
Have a look to get familiar with the vocabulary and concepts of our Holy Week in this "guide" and in Holy Week Step by Step. Tourist Brochures available here.
See you on Wed. 19th April
Zlopp! Ptakk! Biff! Holy Bat-Onomatopoeia!
Zlopp! Ptakk! Biff! Holy Bat-Onomatopoeia!: We define onomatopoeia as 'the formation of a word, as cuckoo, meow, honk, or boom, by imitation of a sound made by or associated with its reference.' Or, if you prefer, 'the use of imitative and naturally suggestive words for rhetorical, dramatic, or poetic effect.'
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Blog writing
Read this How to write a good blog by British Council BBC Teaching English. Then write a 350-word entry for your blog (real or not). If uninspired, I suggest some titles:
- Holy Week in Cartagena
- Learn English Differently (5 wacky, or not, ideas)
- Beware Advertising and Commercials!!!
- My Perfect Weekend
Deadline 19th April
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
Monday, 3 April 2017
April fool – the language of jokes and tricks

Cambridge Dictionary About Words Blog.
Do read the comments after the post!
Digital Media (Speaking class with Parker)
Next Monday we'll be talking about Digital Media. Read Wikipedia definition ...
"Digital media is any media that is encoded in a machine-readable format. Digital media can be created, viewed, distributed, modified and preserved on digital electronics devices. Computer programs and software; digital imagery, digital video; video games; web pages and websites, including social media; data and databases; digital audio, such as mp3s; and e-books are examples of digital media. Digital media are frequently contrasted with print media, such as printed books, newspapers and magazines, and other traditional or analog media, such as pictures, film or audio tape."... and be ready to answer the following questions:
"Digital media is any media that is encoded in a machine-readable format. Digital media can be created, viewed, distributed, modified and preserved on digital electronics devices. Computer programs and software; digital imagery, digital video; video games; web pages and websites, including social media; data and databases; digital audio, such as mp3s; and e-books are examples of digital media. Digital media are frequently contrasted with print media, such as printed books, newspapers and magazines, and other traditional or analog media, such as pictures, film or audio tape."... and be ready to answer the following questions:
- How can it change the way we experience the world?
- How do audiences use digital media at concerts and conferences these days?
- Do you download anything / post comments / review products / tweet / upload anything / use social networking sites?
- How often?
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