Monday, 9 December 2024

Dec. Mock exams Timetable (CHANGE IN C2 TASKS)

Th. 12th: Writing & Listening (135')

       Tu. 17th: Reading & Writ. Mediation (110')

C2 Wed. 11th: Writing & Listening (155')

       Mon. 16th: Reading & Writ. Mediation (110')


Anonymous said...

Wow! I thought the MOCK exams were in February. In any case, it will only be for your current students, right?

Alejandro Miranda said...

Excuse me, teacher. What time are the mock exams on December 11 and 16? I ask this because I have University classes in those days during the afternoon, so I would like to know if both the mock exams and my University classes are at the same time or not.

Thank you for your attention.

Miguel Ángel said...

Mock exams are usually in the middle of the year, which this academic year (starting in early Sep. and ending in early May) is sooner. Personally, I prefer to set exams before (rather than after) a holiday period. That's the only reason for having them a bit early. If we did them in Feb., we'd just have 2 months before the finals. I don't know what other teachers are going to do.

Miguel Ángel said...

The exams will be during class time

Alejandro Miranda said...

Ok, if the exams are in the morning then I have no problem.