Monday 24 June 2024

From today on...

Dear C1 + C2 students and blog friends

Yes, the academic year is over. Nevertheless, my intention is to keep on publishing what I think might be interesting stuff for you to revise till August. Mostly you will find vocabulary, but some other type of activities too. The idea is to use English at least a little while everyday. Remember Practice makes perfect! Hope you enjoy it. 

I also hope you have enjoyed this year lessons, and I am looking forward to seeing you at our EOI next September: enrolled in other groups at different days/times, in my class or maybe studying another language if you have finished C2.

Miguel Ángel

PS: If you want to keep on learning at the EOI next year again, remember the registration period will start on the 28th (next Friday).

Toda la info AQUÍ

Consulta AQUÍ la oferta educativa para el curso 2024-25


Anonymous said...

Hi Miguel Ángel! Thank you for your dedication both inside and outside the classroom. We truly appreciate your efforts and the insightful content you share. Without a doubt, we will continue to consult your blog regularly, as we always find valuable information. Happy Summer! xxxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for your JOB. Of course I'll be visiting your blog every day. Please, keep posting.
Have a superb summer. You deserve it. We'll met in september with the batteries plenty of new energy.

Miguel Ángel said...

Thank you very much!

Teacher said...

Dear colleague and friend! I' ve been learning with/from you since we first met. Your commitment with this blog and everything you do is always an example to follow.
From another early bird and coffee drinker. Sure you know who's writing here.
Thanks always!

Miguel Ángel said...

Of course I know who you are! More than one activity / entry has been taken from your blog!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have to recognize that I am a new comer to your blog, despite being a student in another C1 group I was unaware of this enormous and poweful and dynamic blog, like my previous colleges have said your commitment with it is an example to follow. Well done and have a lovely summer leave. XXX.

Miguel Ángel said...

Thanks "newcomer". Everybody's welcome here! It's for English lovers and "colleagues"! I'm really glad you find it interesting!

Anonymous said...

got it! Colleage vs college Lol!!