Monday 31 October 2022

Film & TV Horror Movies

Do this activity if you want to: 

Key tomorrow

The Ghost Glossary

The Difference Between Ghosts, Ghouls, Goblins, And More (From

Welcome, ye of the living, to the macabre menagerie of spooky spirits and eerie entities. Here you’ll find ghosts, ghouls, goblins, and all manner of supernatural terrors.


Dear readers,

Brazilians are going to the polls on Sunday for the presidential runoff, and we have been covering a variety of related issues, including the unexpected support by some Evangelicals for the leftist candidate, Lula. This week in international affairs we also interviewed former Swedish prime minister Carl Bildt, a veteran politician who offered his views on the Ukraine war.

We also took a look at what's being touted as the contact lenses of the future, and made a list of horror movies to enjoy in the comfort of one's own home for Halloween.

We hope you enjoy this selection of articles from EL PAÍS English Edition. Thanks for reading.

Friday 28 October 2022

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Dear readers,
Following the not entirely unexpected resignation of UK Prime Minister Liz Truss this week, we analyzed the possibility of a Boris Johson comeback. EL PAÍS also interviewed the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Grossi, who has met with the presidents of Ukraine and Russia to convince both of the need to establish a security zone around the nuclear plant in Zaporizhzhia.

One of our most-read stories this week involved new revelations about a world-famous fresco made by the Ancient Greeks in the Tomb of the Diver, located in modern-day Italy. Another popular article was an interview with the neuroscientist Mariano Sigman about the importance of conversation for mental health.

We hope you enjoy this selection of articles from EL PAÍS English Edition. Thanks for reading.

Don't miss Greta Thunberg: ‘Activism filled my life with meaning’ or Losing their religion? New report shows Spaniards are turning their backs on faith  or 2021, a year of high-profile crimes and convictions in Spain either.

Monday 24 October 2022

C2 1st Q Lexical Topics (Oct. to Feb.)

During the first quarter of the year we will be studying the following lexical areas:

Module 1: Travel & Transport / Home, Neighbourhood, City, Money 

Module 2: Education / Personal Identification, Physical Aspect, Character, Personality

Module 3: Daily Life Activities, Work, Career 

Module 4: IT (Information Technologies) and Science / Shopping, Trade

How do you feel about your English?


Friday 21 October 2022

The library will be available!!!

Estos son los horarios de apertura de la biblioteca al público. 

LUNES 11.30 –12.30
MARTES 12.30 – 13.30
MIÉRCOLES 18.30 – 20.00
JUEVES 18.30 – 20.00

Contests at School:

Monday 17 October 2022

EL PAÍS in English

Dear readers,

This week, political news in the US was dominated by the scandal of the leaked audio revealing racist remarks by leading Latino members of the Los Angeles City Council. Elsewhere, we covered the latest developments in Ukraine and visited one of Jair Bolsonaro's strongholds in the south of Brazil.

One of our most read stories this week was about the comeback of 1980s teen movie star Molly Ringwald, and in science news we examined how climate delayism has taken over from outright denialism. And two experts from New York University explained how the weather is just one factor that leads to deaths during heat waves.

We hope you enjoy this selection of articles from EL PAÍS English Edition. Thanks for reading.

Read The Andes flight disaster, 50 years laterWhy men don’t live as long and Insects: Essential but endangered creatures too.

Friday 14 October 2022

Wednesday 12 October 2022

C1 Diagnostic Tests

For those of you who cannot enter Aula Virtual yet, these are the diagnostic tests number one (compulsory) and number two (optional). 

Keys of no1 on this blog on the 21st and no 2 next Thursday 27th.

Grupo de teatro plurilingüe EOI Cartagena

Presentación grupo de teatro plurilingüe EOI Cartagena

Martes 18 a las 18.15 en el aula 15 y a partir de la semana siguiente, cada martes de 18 a 19 en la biblioteca.

How will you Pay the Bill?


Tuesday 11 October 2022

Lucy's 5 best tips for learnining new vocabulary

Here are my 5 best tips for learning and remembering English vocabulary:

1. Make it part of your lifestyle! Try to think in English when you have peaceful moments in your everyday life. This could be when you are travelling to work, or taking a break.
2. Fill in the gaps! When you notice that you don't know a word, write it down immediately in your vocab diary, and then research it and the end of the day. This is all about lifestyle! It needs to be something you aim to do every day! I created The English Plan for this exact purpose - this method helped me to become fluent in my second language.
3. Read children's books in English! This was something I loved to do! Children's books are designed to teach children to read and write - and this will work for you too! Go to your local library or charity shop, or order some used children's books online. This doesn't have to be an expensive process. Perhaps you can share them with another learner of English when you're done?
4. Watch English TV shows! - This one may seem obvious, but it's really important to pick the right show according to your level. For beginners, I always recommend Peppa Pig - in each episode there is so much great vocab for everyday life! I actually made a video with my recommendations for TV shows for each level of English. Watch it here.
5. Listen to chatty podcasts! Try to see in advance if the podcast also has a transcript. These podcasts will prepare you to join in more conversations, and will probably include more slang and informal vocabulary. Have a look at the UK top podcast charts.

Up to which extent do you agree with Lucy?

Do write your own best tip(s) for learning and remembering vocabulary and send them to the Post a Comment section below!

Monday 10 October 2022

EL PAÍS News in English

This week in Latin American politics we followed up on the Brazil election, analyzed Nicaragua's increasing self-isolation and explored the contents of leaked documents showing how Mexico's “Narco of Narcos” took over a rival drug gang while on the run. Elsewhere, our correspondents shed light on the growing problems with Russia's mobilization of new recruits for the war in Ukraine.

In science news, one of our most-read stories involves a tiny and extremely rare diamond that reveals secrets about Earth’s most inaccessible places. And in culture, we showcased a new exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC focusing on the painter John Singer Sargent and his enduring fascination with Spain.

We hope you enjoy this selection of articles from EL PAÍS English Edition. Thanks for reading.

EOI CT enrolment extended

Places left in all languages

PCTO (producción y Coproducción de Textos Orales) Enrolment. Two hours a week: 19.00-21.00

C1: Tuesdays

C2: Mondays

Friday 7 October 2022

Pronunciation Workshop at the EOI

BTW! I'll be the teacher in this workshop.

See you next Monday!

How Good are you at Spelling?

Try this Quizz (clean your ears!) 

and then this (you must be quick!)

Wednesday 5 October 2022

Special for Teachers!!!

 "Desde el SERE (Servicio de Enseñanzas de Régimen Especial) os queremos invitar a que consideréis las enseñanzas especializadas de idiomas como una opción preferente en vuestra formación como docentes y como forma de desarrollo personal. Una enseñanza de idiomas asequible, oficial y de calidad.

(Extract from the letter sent to CARM teachers by Ana Mª Mena Manzanares, Jefa de Servicio de Enseñanzas de Régimen Especial, Región de Murcia, Consejería de Educación, Dirección General de Formación Profesional e Innovación, Servicio de Enseñanzas de Régimen Especial)

Tuesday 4 October 2022

¿Dónde están los mupis?

¿Dónde están los mupis? ¡Hay 3 en la ciudad! 
Búscalos, hazte una foto y etiquétanos:) +Idiomas + Futuro en un plurilingüe

Monday 3 October 2022

EL PAÍS News in English

Besides tracking the destruction caused by Hurricane Ian in Cuba and the US, this was a busy week in politics. We did a region-by-region analysis of how Italians voted in last weekend's election, which handed victory to right-wing candidate Georgia Meloni, and looked at how this Sunday's elections in Brazil are shaping up. Our stories also featured first-hand accounts of how many Russians' lives have been upended as they flee the draft and try to cross into neighboring Georgia.

In science, we interviewed evolutionary biologist and Harvard professor Carole Hooven, who has written about the underestimated role of testosterone in differences between male and female behavior. We also talked to one of the world's last publishers in the Ladino language, and took a look back at the fascinating history of cheating at chess.

We hope you enjoy this selection of articles from EL PAÍS English Edition. Thanks for reading.