Our EOI is carrying out a collaborative project within the framework of the
Blue Schools network, together with two African schools: in Lagos (Nigeria) and in Labourdonnais (Mauritius). This project would seek to inform and raise awareness among students and the community of the environmental problems in a specific area of their local coast. Logically, we have chosen our Mar Menor.
The project consists of two parts. The first would be the celebration of a "Blue Week" in our EOI, possibly during the first or second week of March. We would carry out different information and awareness activities: one or more talks and a guided tour of the mural at Calle Gisbert are being considered. We would love your participation, collaboration, and ideas.
Our School would like to repeat the Mar Menor photo exhibition we had a few years ago. You can send snaps to
blueschool2025@gmail.com with the subject MAR MENOR, and write: a phrase in the language you study describing the photo, full name and year in the message. You can give the physical photo to your teacher with the same data instead.
The second part of the project would be aimed mainly at French and English students (languages with which Mauritius and Nigeria will participate respectively) but could also include students of other languages speaking in Spanish. It would consist of one or more videos/presentations showing these coastal areas to the other schools, explaining the existing environmental problems and possible solutions. Further information will be provided soon, as everything is still in process.
Thank you very much for your collaboration. We look foward to your participation in this project.
Coordinator: Ana Fúster