Friday, 28 June 2019

Advancing Learning: Does anyone really need to use a dictionary?

Why use a dictionary when you can Google a word? Dictionary expert Michael Rundell answers this question by looking at the strengths of lexical resources today. Onestopenglish

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

How to Swear in British

Have you ever wondered how to swear in British? Ever scratched your head over why so much is bloody shite, and why tossers hardly ever seem to do any tossing in public? Well fear no more - the very incomplete list of British insults is presented for your enlightenment. But don't be a wally. Use the list with care, or some twat might take offence.
From: Silly Bunt Funny jokes, insults, puns, pictures, memes, cartoons and gifs.

British Expressions II

Friday, 21 June 2019

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Summer Holidays

From tomorrow (1st official day of summer), I'll keep on posting activities, pictures, infographic, videos, etc. daily for you to have a look every now and then. Do not stop using English everyday (irrespective of your marks): TV series, books, magazines, talks with friends, songs & lyrics, films, this blog, the internet... Continue enjoying the language you're studying.


Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Learn about Health

Choose 10 words or phrases form this Health Vocabulary Sheet and write sentences including them. Don't write too short (or too long) sentences. If you know many of them, great! You have just revised them.

Suggested words: CPR, bedsore, C-section, cast, hives, OR, scrub up ...

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

INFO sobre calificaciones finales: certificación C2 o repetición de curso

Según los resultados finales en septiembre, el alumnado de C2 intensivo tiene varias opciones para el curso 2019-20:
  • Si supera las 5 actividades de lengua: Certifica C2
  • Si supera 3 o 4 actividades de lengua: Repite curso en C.2.2 (2ª parte de C2, 3h./semanales)
  • Si supera 1 o 2 actividades de lengua: Repite el curso en C.2.1 (1ª parte de C2, 3h. semanales) o C2 intensivo (6 h. semanales)