Thursday, 28 March 2019

It Makes my Blood Boil!

Read this article from Cambridge Dictionary Blog to learn about the language of anger.

Friday, 22 March 2019

Webquest: Water | Onestopenglish

Webquest: Water | Onestopenglish: Water is amazing – nothing on Earth can live without it. Find out more about water’s properties and why it’s so important in our watery webquest, celebrating World Water Day (22nd March).

Collaboration with the Conservatory

If you want to collaborate with Cartagena Conservatory working as an interpreter, read the following:
Collaboration proposal
General vocab, Specific vocab
and email me if interested.

Thursday, 21 March 2019

Celebrate World Poetry Day

Famous Poets & Poems
If you feel like reading American poetry, click --> A Poem a Day for American High Schools
14 Thought-Provoking Quotes About Poetry by
Try the following two sites for poetry: - a site collecting America’s favourite poems. You can also read comments about why people like them and hear them being read aloud. - an archive of classical poetry, easy to browse through by poet. Has a top ten list of favourite poems (chosen by visitors to the site) which makes an interesting starting point.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Jane Elliott's Experiment (if you want to watch a video version, click here).

Hate Crime in England and Wales

Teaching Tolerance Guide (recommended for teachers and would-be teachers --only 19 pages, do read it!)

Listen to this song knowing the references made (below):

Who or what is Jo’Anna? Johannesburg
Why is money referred to as ‘golden’? Gold mined by black South Africans
What is apartheid? institutionalised racial segregation 
How does the government use the media? Censorship, propaganda… 
Who are the ‘supporters in high up places’? USA, Britain…

(Adapted from ELT Learning Journeys Addressing Racism in your ELT class: 3 ideas)

Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Webquest: St Patrick's Day | Onestopenglish

Webquest: St Patrick's Day | Onestopenglish: Who was St Patrick? Find the answer in this webquest, and learn about how 17th March is celebrated around the world.

Friday, 15 March 2019

King Tut's Tomb

Before listening to Lola's presentation next Wednesday (Monday is Bank Holiday), have a look at the following:
British backer Lord Carnarvon wanted to call off the search for the lost tomb of Tutankhamun after six fruitless years of searching, but Howard Carter convinced him to stick it out for one more season—resulting in the 20th century's most famous find. Read more on National Geographic History Magazine.
Glossary of Archaeological Terms


Info for "Convocatoria matrícula libre" and "Guía del Candidato"

El alumnado matriculado en C2 este curso que no certificó C1 el curso pasado y quiera conseguir esta certificación (C1), puede matricularse como candidato libre: plazo de matrícula de 20 a 27 de marzo.
Este es el único caso (alumnos que promocionaron con una destreza sin aprobar) en el que un alumno puede estar matriculado como oficial y candidato libre el mismo curso académico: hay, por tanto, que marcar una casilla específica en la plataforma para señalar esta situación.

Si el alumno/a opta por esta opción, deberá presentarse a todas y cada una de las actividades de lengua de C1 (Mediación incluida) en la convocatoria, única, libre el 3 de junio. En caso contrario, puede examinarse sólo de C2 y, si aprueba, conseguir el certificado correspondiente (en este caso no obtendrá la certificación de C1).

Thursday, 14 March 2019

The Language of Planning

January and February seem like the right months of the year for a post on the language of planning... Read these well-researched articles: Setting up and mapping out and Don't Hold your Breath! by Kate Woodford on Cambridge Dictionary Blog

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Mistakes in exam writing

Check you mistakes in Articles and Reports

Millennials speaking ...

Interesting post from Cambridge Blog: Millennials Expressions...

... and 40 Ways to Speak with (and Connect with) a Millennial


Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Mid Year Exams

Tests (all parts) will be reviewed tomorrow.

Don't miss the lesson!

Did you forget it?

It is surprising that for such an important concept, there aren’t really any direct, one-word synonyms for the verb ‘forget’... (Read more) on Cambridege Dictionary Blog

Friday, 8 March 2019


The future is exciting. Let's build a gender-balanced world.

Everyone has a part to play - all the time, everywhere.

From grassroots activism to worldwide action, we are entering an exciting period of history where the world expects balance. We notice its absence and celebrate its presence.

Greatest ever International Women's Day videos
International Women's Day videos form a big part of celebrations on March 8, as well as providing a call-to-action for gender parity. Here are some of the most powerful, popular, interesting, effective and fun IWD videos from around the world over the years - and there are many more.

Interesting gender-related reads, news and resources
All day, everyday, around the world a more gender-balanced world is being forged. Individuals and groups are making a concerted #BalanceforBetter worldwide through tangible action. From grassroots awareness raising to highly visible campaigns with impact, gender parity is being forged.

Year long activity and collaboration

Let's build a gender-balanced world

Collectively we can all play a part

Motivate others

Amplify via social media

Take action

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Harsh & Stiff

Check these two adjectives and their collocations: Harsh & Stiff

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Shrove Tuesday and Lent

Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. The name Shrove comes from the old middle English word 'Shriven' meaning to go to confession to say sorry for the wrong things you've done. Lent always starts on a Wednesday, so people went to confessions on the day before. This became known as Shriven Tuesday and then Shrove Tuesday.
The other name for this day, Pancake Day, comes from the old English custom of ...
Shrove Tuesday and Lent (Powerpoint Presentation)

Friday, 1 March 2019

Test your English

Do this test and then check all your wrong answers.

The Weird a& Wonderful World of Sports

The Weird and Wonderful World of Sports (By Tim Warre)

Fill in this ACTIVITY SHEET while listening to the podcast!