Thursday 28 February 2019

The Life and Soul of the Party & Divulging and Disclosing

Two well-researched vocabulary articles from Cambridge Dictionary Blog

Life and Soul of the Party.

Divulging and Disclosing

Wednesday 27 February 2019

The Biggest Mistakes In Songs We Love To Sing

Had you spotted them?

Interesting Slideshow by Watch it here.

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Reading Comprehension Activity

Reading Comprehension Activity 

To be corrected tomorrow in class

Mediation: What it is and how to teach it

Watch this video to explore some more ideas about mediation, according to Cambridge English

Key to Thursday's cloze

Check it here.

Friday 22 February 2019

Oral Mediation (3) for next Wednesday

Choose 2 tasks:

Task 1. Your friend Hilary wants to go to Madrid and asks you whether there are other cheaper ways of travelling different form bus or train. Watch this short video on BlaBlaCar and explain it to your English friend in 2 or 3 minutes on a whatsapp audio message.

Task 2. Your Irish friend's parents are coming to see her in Spain and would like to visit 3 Spanish cities after their stay. They ask you for some advice from a website they found with information. (You can visit the website, at the end of the document, if you find it helpful) They love architecture and the sea. Explain to them which 3 cities they should visit and why in 2 or 3 mins.

Task 3. Our language assistant, Sandra, is having her daughter at home in Cartagena next week. She wants to give her a surprise welcome party and asks for your help. Read the article on the topic she found on the net and help her to organize the party. Give her your tips in 2 / 3 mins.

To be assessed:
· Identication and choice of the information for the requirements of the task.
· Organization and clarity of the message.
· Tone, register and structure of the communicative situation.
· Effectiveness of communication.

CEP Oral Exam

The exam itself is not the same as ours, but the level is C2. Have a look, listen carefully to Derk and Annick... and read the examiners' notes at the end, which might be helpful.

Taking the Cambridge English: Proficiency Speaking exam. See what happens in each part of the exam. Read more at: and the examiners notes are available here

Thursday 21 February 2019

Today In Focus

Click if you want to hear TODAY IN FOCUS,

Click if you want to hear podcasts from The Guardian

Cloze Activity

The cloze activity we did on Monday for those who were not able to attend the lesson (key on the blog next Tuesday)

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Friday 15 February 2019

Oral Mediation (2) for next Wednesday

Choose two tasks:

Task 1. Your Brazilian friend Joâo shows you an invoice from Jonathan Taller Mecánico, the garage you recommended. He wanted to have his car front tyres placed instead of the rear ones and buy a new pair for the front ones. He also wanted to have the oil changed. He was told at the garage it was going to be cheap and that he would have a discount. Joâo does not understand well  why the invoice is so expensive.

You have 3 mins. to read the invoice and another 3 mins. to try and explain to him that it is alright and that there must have been some misunderstanding or lack of information.

To be assessed: information choice, summarizing, paraphrasing and meaning negotiation with Antoine.

Task 2. Rudolf, a friend of yours living in Germany, is training to be a teacher in his country. He is about to complete his studies and wants to do a Master's Degree in Education at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Rudolf emailed you this document he found on UCM website and wants you to explain it to him, as his Spanish is not very good and he cannot unerstand everything.

You have 4-5 mins. to read Documentación - Admisión a Másteres and another 4-5 mins. to explain to him on the phone the main information from the document.

To be assessed: specific vocabulary, information choice, summarizing and rendering key information, ability to simplify contents.

Task 3. Your English neighbours want to give their children  (aged 8, 10 and 12) a great surprise next weekend. They know you regularly go to MurciAventuras and ask for your advice on the different activities this park offers.

You have 3 minutes to see the flyer MurciAventura Family Fun Park and provide them with all the information on every activity in another 3 minutes.

To be assessed: Quantity and quality of rendering the info offered and your advice on all the activities.

Edinburgh /ˈɛdɪnbərə/

Before listening to Eva's presentation next Monday, have a look at the following:
Official Guide to Edinburgh
Edinburgh Wikipedia

30 Phrases and Scottish Sayings You'll Hear in Edinburgh and Scotland

Plain Words with Odd Origins

etymology /ˌet.ɪˈmɒl.ə.dʒi/ /-ˈmɑː.lə-/ noun [C or U]
· At university she developed an interest in etymology.
· A list of selected words and their etymologies is printed at the back of the book.

If you are interested, read These Plain Words Have Very Odd Origin Stories by

Thursday 14 February 2019

10 Quotes on Love From Great Writers

Which quote is most inspiring for you?

Read them here

Enjoy the day!!!



Wednesday 13 February 2019


If you had a screw loose...

... which one would you use?

5 types of common drivers: 
Slotted / Standard / Flat, Phillips, Allen, Torx, Robertson/Square.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Friday 8 February 2019

Thursday 7 February 2019

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Workbook revision for Monday 11th

We'll start Monday class with the doubts found in Units 5 (especially pp. 46-47 & 51) and 6 (especially p. 56).
Do the activities, check them at the answer key at the end and highlight / underline problems you detected in your mistakes.

Key to Collocations and Some More...

KEY (to yesterday's collocation activity)

Injury Collocations

Monday 4 February 2019

DIY (Do It Yourself) Vocabulary

Tick the ones you CAN DO:
  • change a light bulb / a plug
  • clean a chimney
  • clean the fireplace
  • cut wood
  • fit a cooker
  • fix a computer / car / engine / a running toilet...
  • install wall-to-wall carpet
  • tighten a screw
  • paint / decorate the house / room...
  • put up shelves
  • remove wallpaper
  • repair a leaky faucet
  • replace a shower head / a faucet
  • rewire the house
  • sand the floor
  • screw a bolt into wood
  • tile a shower / bathroom
  • unblock a toilet
Vocabulary 1 
Vocabulary 2
Interior Decoration
Do It Yourself Vocabulary Exercise

World Cancer Day

Cancer Early Diagnosis
Cancer Prevention
Fact Sheets

Murcia Today

Murcia Today

Murcia and Spanish News_round_up_Week_Ending_1st_February