Friday, 29 July 2016

Enjoy your Holidays!!!

You may choose one, some, many or all of these ...

Happy Holidays !!!

Orden C1

Las instrucciones para la preinscripción y matrícula en C1 en la EOI de Cartagena aparecerán en la página web de la Escuela y en este blog a principios de septiembre, cuando la consejería de Educación de la CARM las publique.

Health & Illness

Advanced sample unit from Outcomes.
Health and Illness. Extremely interesting!!!

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Interactive Reading Practice (from LIFE)

New Life Interactive Reading.

Tongue Twisters

 Read aloud as many tongue twisters as you feel like, pressing the button "Random Tongue Twister". It is good practice to improve your pronunciation.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

10 best practices for tackling English language exams

Read this Pearson's post; I'm sure you'll find a large handful of useful tips!

Monday, 25 July 2016

Home invasion: fifth of adults live with parents until they’re at least 26

Before reading the article (Oct. 2015) do the speaking (record yourself) and vocabulary activities.

Friday, 22 July 2016

English C1 Oral Skills

English C1 Oral Skills is a blog which compiles activities to develop oral expression for C1 students. Made at Tomelloso CEP. Thank you so much for sharing!

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Your English: Collocations: LAUNCH | Onestopenglish

Find interesting information about the collocations of this verb in this Tim Bowen's article.
Your English: Collocations: launch | Onestopenglish

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

¡Viva la Siesta!

If you ever doubted whether it was beneficial or not, read this old article from BBC News about the topic!

Why you should start work at 10am

Before reading the article do all the activities.
[You still have an hour to do anything else...]

Friday, 15 July 2016

Work out your Level at CEFR

The CEFR is an internationally recognised framework that describes 6 levels of language ability from A1 for beginners up to C2 for those who have mastered a language. The CEFR is used by organisations all over the world as a reliable benchmark of language ability.
Test your English here.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Friday, 8 July 2016

Exam Practice

Have a look at the following exam practice activities from a 2001 Inside Out Level V textbook Exam Builder (Special Edition CD). Not all the activities are presented the same way as we do at EOIs, but they will be helpful to review.
· Exam Builder (Grammar, Reading).   KEY
· End of Course Test. Sorry! No key.

Forced Evictions

A Review Of the Status of Forced Evictions Globally Through the Work of the Advisory Group on Forced Evictions, Un-Habitat and Other International Actors. Publisher: UN HABITAT
The practice of forcibly evicting people from their homes is an egregious human rights abuse that in most cases could be prevented. Forced eviction targets the most marginalized and vulnerable populations, most often with far-reaching implications with respect to their housing, employment, education, physical and mental health, family life, culture, and overall well-being. Moreover, forced eviction deepens poverty, destroys communities, and irrevocably adversely impacts the future of millions of people...