Friday 27 October 2023

Tips to improve your vocab

Read, Read, Read… and Listen. Read a variety of materials regularly, concentrate on reading material about specific themes or topics you are interested in to build targeted vocabulary. You can listen to podcasts or other audio content

Focus on Context. This enables you to grasp their precise meanings and usage nuances, making it easier to remember and apply them correctly.

Keep a Journal to record new words, their meanings, example sentences and any notes that may help these terms stick in your brain. Make sure to review this journal periodically to reinforce.

Affixes (prefixes and suffixes) Understanding affixes can help you figure out the meanings of unfamiliar words more effectively or at least give you a place to start. 

Use What You’ve Learnt The best way to truly retain new vocabulary terms is to use them and use them often (like every day)! Conversing with others exposes you to idiomatic expressions and colloquial phrases in natural communication. If you don’t have any way to practise new vocabulary with others, you can always write! 
(Read the whole document here!)
Lucy Bella Simkins  
Up to which extent do you agree with the statements above?
Would you add any other useful tip which worked well with you?

1 comment:

Antonio said...

Practice, practice, practice
Don't be afraid of mistakes. Each one of them is a gift, a chance to learn