Sunday 19 April 2020

Kitchen table teaching: Affective teaching online (By Adrian Underhill) at IATEFL

Today from 13.45 - 14.30 you can click:
IATEFL Global Get-Together 2020

The psychological atmosphere teachers create is as important as their method. We call this field of study “affect”. But is it something that has to get lost online? In this session we’ll consider the following:
1. What affect is, why it’s important, why it gets left out.
2. What we can learn from skillful facilitation, which at heart says, “Be yourself”.
3. A suggestion for online “Kitchen table teaching”. Could online teaching provide an affective game changer that unhooks us from our “noisy classroom omnipresence” ... to “talking across the kitchen table”?

Adrian Underhill is a trainer, consultant, writer and speaker. A Past President of IATEFL and current IATEFL Ambassador, ex director of International House Hastings, and author of Sound Foundations. He works with teachers and trainers incorporating natural human faculties such as intuition, playfulness and improvisation into classroom learning.

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