Monday 30 March 2020

Are Computers Male or Female?

To answer the question, should computers be addressed as "she" or "he", a Professor set up two groups of students The first was comprised of women, and the second of men. Each group was asked to recommend whether computers should be referred to in the feminine gender, or the masculine gender. They were asked to give 4 reasons for their recommendation. Take a listen and see which side you agree with.
Please, write your answers in the Post a comment section below.


Jesus said...

hahaha, that´s an old one but still very good indeed

Sara said...

Totally agree with women's side. At first, I was about to switch it off, but when they started to give reasons why it should be addressed as "he", then I really got a kick out of it

Marta said...

I agree 100% with Sara. I thoght it was another chauvinist joke and eventually I listened to the women's part, so I loved it! LOL

Jesus said...

We are in minority here. I wouldn't dare to speak up... Hahahahaha

Jesus said...

Actually, I found both groups points very interesting and hilarious. And, I do not wish to take sides...