Wednesday 15 May 2019

Oral Mediation (4)


1. CONTEXT: Your English neighbour at the seaside, whose Spanish is not very good, has a daughter in the UK who is training to be a teacher and has been asked to do some research about male and female students and teachers in the Spanish Education system. She found this article in a magazine, which she does not understand very well. Your neighbour needs your help to render the information to her daughter.

TASK: Read the article, summarize the information and data presented for your neighbour in 2 or 3 mins. so that she can understand it and explain it to her daughter.

TO BE ASSESSED: Task completion:
Identification and selection of the information
Clarity and efficiency of the message;
Adaptation of the message: intelligibility and register


CONTEXT: One of your English friend's friends is coming to Cartagena next weekend, when La Noche de los Museos takes place. Your friend asked you for advice on which activities to visit. Your friend's friend enjoys art and history above all. You were given this extract from the programme to help them choose the activities.

TASK: Read the extract and choose several activities to go to according to times and likes, send your answer on a 2-3 min. whatsapp audio.

TO BE ASSESSED: Task completion:
Identification and selection of the information
Clarity and efficiency of the message;
Adaptation of the message: intelligibility and register


1. CONTEXT: Your friend is studying at our school. He knows you are a good foreign language student and asks you for some help with his studies. Your English teacher gave you this article and you decided to explain it to him, as you have followed most of the tips provided.

TASK: Read the article and provide him with all the info, using your personal experience. Do it in 3 minutes.

TO BE ASSESSED: Task completion:
Identification and selection of the information
Clarity and efficiency of the message;
Adaptation of the message: intelligibility and register

OTHER TEXTS: Follow the same instructions as previous TASKS and do the same with:

Feel Good
Make the Right Decisions
Organize and Manage your Finance

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