Friday 8 March 2019


The future is exciting. Let's build a gender-balanced world.

Everyone has a part to play - all the time, everywhere.

From grassroots activism to worldwide action, we are entering an exciting period of history where the world expects balance. We notice its absence and celebrate its presence.

Greatest ever International Women's Day videos
International Women's Day videos form a big part of celebrations on March 8, as well as providing a call-to-action for gender parity. Here are some of the most powerful, popular, interesting, effective and fun IWD videos from around the world over the years - and there are many more.

Interesting gender-related reads, news and resources
All day, everyday, around the world a more gender-balanced world is being forged. Individuals and groups are making a concerted #BalanceforBetter worldwide through tangible action. From grassroots awareness raising to highly visible campaigns with impact, gender parity is being forged.

Year long activity and collaboration

Let's build a gender-balanced world

Collectively we can all play a part

Motivate others

Amplify via social media

Take action

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