Wednesday 23 April 2014

One Thousand !!!

Thanks for being there!!!  
 Thanks for following the blog!!!


Mira que luna said...

Congratulations, Miguel Angel.
Thanks for helping me to enhance my poor English every day.
Updating a blog is very time-consuming.
I leave you some interesting links, in my opinion:
Loads of English series:
Best regards,
Carmen Martín from Madrid

Miguel Ángel said...

Thank YOU. I'm sure your English is not poor. Take care, Carmen, and keep on visiting the blog.

Toni said...

Congratulations Miguel Angel!

I improve my English reading your blog, it's funny and very useful at the same time, I always find interesting and useful things: culture and history, grammar, articles and texts, phonetic, cartoons, jokes, videos, vocabulary... No matter what level you have.
As you know I have got it in mybookmarks!

Pls, keep on making it!!!

Miguel Ángel said...

Thanks a million, Toni.