Friday 9 April 2010

Globish: the worldwide dialect of the third millennium

More than a lingua franca, the rapid adoption of 'decaffeinated English', according to the man who coined the term 'Globish', makes it the world's most widely spoken language.
Read this Guardian's Robert McCrum's interesting article on "Globish"


Brian Barker said...

Globish reminds me of another project called "Basic English" Unfortunately this failed, because native English speakers could not remember which words not to use :)

So it's time to move forward and adopt a neutral non-national language, taught universally in schools worldwide,in all nations.

As a native English speaker, I would prefer Esperanto

Your readers may be interested in the following video at Professor Piron was a translator with the United Nations in Geneva.

A glimpse of Esperanto can be seen at

Miguel Ángel said...

However interesting the idea of a "neutral, non national language, taught universally in schools worldwide, in all nations" might be, it's proved inefficient. I don't think any artificial language can ever be used as a lingua franca because the beauty of languages in general (and English in particular) is its continuous usage by millions of users: speakesrs, writers, listeners and readers. This never applied to Esperanto, "Basic English" or any other artificial language.
Thanks a lot for your comment.